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Download novel indonesia pdf

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This, like most other plot holes in this novel, is explained with shitty excuses that would only be viable if the protagonist was an utter ret*rd. By extension of the second flaw, he's heroic af when the plot needs him to be but a pushover whenever it doesn't. MC, the MC isn't poorly written or anything, but he's beta af.And 'strong' beings are pushovers despite the only excuse for them being this weak is usually bullshit. Characters who are known to be level-headed and intelligent make moronic decisions with no apparent reason. The story is chock-full of unbelievable plot convenience.

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We don't judge novels for how 'well-written' they were at the time of writing, we judge them by how enjoyable it is when we actually read them. Now I know some fan already made up excuses pathetically covering for the author in a comment that somehow managed to get 2nd place but that was utter bullshit. But there are 4 major flaws that turns it from a 3-4 star novel, to a 2, borderline 1 star for me. The characters and relationships are well-written, the story is slightly above average. In all honesty most of it isn't particularly bad. This novel is, being generous, unremarkable, and being honest, garbage.

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